Hierarchia výberu bioremediačných technológií: možnosti využitia potenciálu bakteriálnych degradérov
Klíčová slova:
bioaugmentácia, bioremediácia, biostimulácia, prirodzená atenuáciaAbstrakt
The utilization of degradation ability of microorganisms for decontamination of polluted environment is an intensively expanding area of environmental biotechnology, specifically of remediation technologies using biological approaches. Bioremediation is an attractive low-cost innovative technology, representing a sustainable approach to removing organic and inorganic pollutants. Bioremediation is a prospective and useful technique comprising the use of microorganisms and/or plants for biodegradation or biotransformation of contaminants. The technique can be employed as a monitored natural attenuation or as assisted bioremediation – biostimulation and bioaugmentation. This review describes some novel approaches that may increase the lifetime and activity of microorganisms in adverse environment.